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據悉,Mariah最新單曲"With You"將於10/4發行,新單曲的宣傳照片(下載)已釋出,音樂錄影帶將由SARAH MCCOLGAN執導。

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許久未更新XD 新的一年,祝大家羊年行大運!! 今天是年初二,一塊兒聽聽Mariah的金曲新唱,即興的唱法you know....也是ok啦! 至少不會一直被批假唱,哈~~~


Vision of Love (Jamaica Jazz & Blues Festival 2015)

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瑪麗亞凱莉全新專輯"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse"今日正式展開預購,你還在等什麼呢?

[ iTunes | 五大唱片 | 玫瑰大眾 ]

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美國最具代表性的歌唱選秀節目"American Idol"最終確認了第12季的評審陣容,除了元老評審蘭迪傑克森 (Randy Jackson) 以外,其他三位都是新面孔,分別是跨世紀天后瑪麗亞凱莉 (Mariah Carey)、鄉村音樂天王齊絲艾本 (Keith Urban),以及新生代饒舌女王妮琪米娜 (Nicki Minaj)。

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瑪麗亞凱莉可以是天后, 也可以是才女, BMI Icon能不頒給她嗎?

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天后瑪麗亞凱莉的Youtube頻道一次放上五款Club Mix混音(嚴格來說是三首),和歌迷們一起分享Triumphant, 曲目有:

Triumphant (Vintage Throwback Mix) 試聽
Triumphant (Laidback Luke Extended Mix) 試聽
Triumphant (Pulse Remix Extended) 試聽
Triumphant (The New Iberican League Club Mix) 試聽
Triumphant (Danny Verde Club Mix) 試聽

這首歌自推出後,部份歌迷罵聲不斷(Rap太多導致咪咪淪為配角之類的說法),實際上它在iTunes龜速爬升最後只到3X,接著急流勇退消失在排行榜。之後推出許多混音版本,該說勝利的號角吹太久了? 還是太早吹了?

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"Triumphant (Get 'Em)"官方混音在iTunes已開放下載囉!!  

Mariah Carey’s Triumphant (Vintage Throwback Mix) available at iTunes – USA | Canada | Mexico
Mariah Carey’s Triumphant (Pulse Remix (Extended) available at iTunes – USA | Canada | Mexico

雖然Triumphant (Get 'Em)原版早已離開iTunes下載榜, 咪咪的新專輯也不會在今年發行,但粉絲們不用灰心! 持續追蹤Mariah的推特,相信多少會有小驚喜的!! 另外,網路上發現有人將這首歌和Whitney的"On My Own"製成混音,感覺蠻妙的! 聽聽看囉~

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Why? Why? Tell Me Why! Randy Jackson為大家解開這個疑問!
Why Mariah Carey Released Three Versions of 'Triumphant' Single

With latest single "Triumphant (Get 'Em)," Mariah Carey is offering something for everyone.

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瑪麗亞凱莉 2012 最新單曲 Triumphant (Get 'Em) 封面

除了原版之外,目前在官網還可以聽到另外兩款混音版本,粉絲們請到官方 YouTube (MariahCareyVevo) 持續試聽這首歌,因為播放數字會影響排行榜成績 (這樣說最清楚)。台灣 iTunes 已開放下載,喜歡咪咪的粉絲們可以進入下載頁面,力挺咪咪!

更新8/8 iTunes
Triumphant (Get 'Em)開放下載的成績:

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Mariah Carey Honoring to Whitney Houston (BET Awards 2012)
BET Awards向傳奇天后Whitney Houston致敬,好友Mariah Carey引言。

"The first time I heard Whitney's voice, I was mesmerized like the rest of the world. Just an unknown budding singer myself, I was captivated by the power in her range, the richness of her tone, and her unique ability to wrap a lyric in emotion. When I first met Whitney, well we didn't really meet. We were backstage at the Grammy Awards, and we exchanged glances. I was in awe, a tiny bit scared! Because hello, I mean, there were a couple of rumors out there that we had some sort of 'rivalry!' One thing we all know is that Whitney was not to be toyed with, ok? But then we first worked together on Prince of Egypt, our Oscar-winning duet, and we got to spend a lot of time together as we promoted it, and we really got to know each other as people, not divas. OK, maybe, occasionally it did get a little diva-ish, but that was just for laughs! Just for laughs! She was a hilarious person with a cutting sense of humor. She was real, she kept it real, and that's why we got along so well, and so many others feel like I do. If you really knew Whitney, you couldn't help but love her. When I last saw Whitney, we were in London, exactly one year ago. And for us, it was business as usual: Laughter, commentary o' the room, and jokes galore. Even then, folks were surprised to see us sitting right next to each other, clearly enjoying each other's company, but we did. And we were. I miss my friend. I miss hearing her voice and laughter, but we'll always, we'll always have the music. We will always have the music! We'll always have that voice we all fell in love with. She inspired us all. We'll always have my friend, Miss Whitney Houston." (Transcription: MariahDaily)


"Just got off stage at BET awards, had an emotional moment paying tribute 
to my incredible friend Whitney Houston, RIP."

(剛剛離開BET頒獎典禮的舞台,感懷的當下為我的好友Whitney Houston致敬,願妳安息。)

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前日Mariah出席汶萊皇室阿奇姆王子的30歲生日派對,地點在倫敦多切斯特酒店(Dorchester Hotel),與會的明星還包括 Faye Dunaway, Raquel Welch, Marisa Tomei以及Chace Crawford等。

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Mariahfundraiser14062012-1_WEB Mariahfundraiser14062012-2_WEB Mariahfundraiser14062012-3 Mariahfundraiser14062012-3_WEB  

Just finished performing Hero, We Belong Together and BRING IT ON HOME - a song I wrote especially for the event. #SpecialOccasion

(剛剛演唱完"Hero", "We Belong Together"和"BRING IT ON HOME",這是我專為此次活動創作的歌曲。)

Listening to Bring It On Home, wishing I could put this out! "Strength is what we need and love keeps us alive..."

(正在聽"Bring It On Home",希望我能推出這首歌!「我們都需要力量,而愛讓我們堅持下去……」)


這首歌有「Fly Like A Bird」的味道..... :P

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1. Fantasy (Def Club Mix)
2. It's Like That
3. Shake It Off
4. Underneath the Stars
5. I'll Be There
Rock With You (Trey Lorenz)
6. Obsessed
7. Touch My Body
8. Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme) 推薦!
9. Always Be My Baby
Band Jam/Introduction by Trey Lorenz
10. Love Hangover/Heartbreaker
11. Dreamlover
12. My All
13. Honey
14. We Belong Together
15. Hero 有歌迷衝上去, Mariah驚驚


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(Mariah正在錄音室工作, 好友Busta探班!)

瑪麗亞凱莉透過個人推特宣佈,她為導演Lee Daniels的新電影"The Paperboy"報童(暫譯)譜寫並錄製了新歌"Mesmerized"(傳聞是她與製作人JD共同完成的作品)。(lil' excited to share with you that I wrote and recorded a song for Lee Daniels' new movie "The Paperboy" called Mesmerized! Hope to play it for you very soon! --MC)

"The Paperboy"是一部根據皮特德克斯特(Pete Dexter)原著小說改編的作品,演出卡司包括馬修麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)、妮可基嫚(Nicole Kidman)、柴克艾弗隆(Zac Efron),以及約翰庫薩克(John Cusack),該片同時也入圍了本屆坎城影展競賽片!



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Happy Anniversary to the ONE & ONLY Mariah Carey!!


此外,滾石雜誌選出瑪麗亞十場不可思議的Live演唱(Ten Incredible Mariah Carey Performances),慶祝天后的生日!Billboard也專文為這位「排行榜指標」慶生。

@MariahCarey: Thank you all so much for all the wishes. This day would never be as festive without my #lambily!! LYEYAY Always!! Xoxo

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花蝴蝶瑪麗亞凱莉(Mariah Carey)在去年春天順利生下雙胞胎 Moroccan 和 Monroe(下個月就要滿一歲了,好快!),產後為恢復體態就加入了瘦身品牌 Jenny Craig 並擔任其減重大使,前陣子為 Jenny 拍攝的驚艷的廣告讓人眼睛一亮,而今年的新廣告已經在網路上曝光,一起來看看吧!



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在 Mariah 產後首場演唱之前,她出席了 Disney 最新郵輪 Fantasy 的活動。

迪士尼郵輪船隊(Disney Cruise Line)中的第四名成員 Disney Fantasy 號,前日在眾星雲集的曼哈頓郵輪碼頭粉墨豋場,而天后瑪麗亞凱莉正是這艘新郵輪的教母,同時她也成為了迪士尼郵輪船隊大家庭的一份子!其他明星包括 Patty Disney(Disney Magic號)Tinker Bell(Disney Wonder號)和 Jennifer Hudson(Disney Dream號)。

當日出席活動的明星包括 Jerry Seinfeld, Neil Patrick Harris, Nick Cannon 和 Heather Headley。如同在紐約時代廣場的新年跨年活動,天后瑪麗亞凱莉帶領所有人開始倒數,並將一個十六英尺高的大堂香檳酒引爆,她也承諾將帶著她的雙胞胎孩子來迪士尼玩。「我為迪士尼 Fantasy 號郵輪洗禮,願上帝保佑 Fantasy 航行順利!」凱莉這麼說。她與迪士尼首席執行長 Bob Iger,迪士尼公園和度假村主席 Tom Staggs,以及可愛的米老鼠皆現身此活動。

此次活動在船內舉行,在大廳內裝飾有一瓶巨大的香檳酒,而瑪麗亞的老公 Nick Cannon 在甲板上以一瓶真的香檳酒為這號郵輪洗禮慶祝。

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原訂在情人節出現 Good Morning America 的瑪麗亞凱莉,因為好友的驟逝延後了這個行程。

在21號瑪麗亞現身早安美國節目,談及好友惠妮、先前與 Jenny Craig 的減重代言工作,近日與美國心臟協會的合作,還有老公尼克的健康狀況與兩個寶貝孩子、個人香水品牌及她的音樂近態。

在成功瘦身之後,Mariah除了代言減重,這回更為美國心臟協會 (American Heart Association) 拍攝公益廣告呢!:)


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