來自官網 Mariahcarey.com 的消息!MARIAH 首波主打"Obsessed"將在7/7開放下載....

Let the countdown begin!!!

The wait is almost over...just 7 days until you can download your copy of Mariah's hot new track OBSESSED! The first single from Mariah's upcoming CD "Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel" will be released as a digital single on 07/07/09. So mark your calendars and be sure to download what some music critics are declaring 2009's #1 Summer Anthem; OBSESSED by Mariah Carey available to download on 07/07/09!

希望 MARIAH 的 FANS 在自己的 blog 或網站傳遞這項訊息~


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目前"Obsessed"的點播成績仍在緩慢的成長,7/13將首播這首歌的音樂錄影帶。期待7/7開放下載之後,能再為 MARIAH 爭取在排行榜的好成績!

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