
不要再說咪咪愛裝嫩、裝可愛了!(是,她是。) 在10月份即將發行的in touch週刊中,Mariah和老公大談新婚生活兼宣傳新專輯,他們還透露了一個興奮的計畫: to have a baby!

封面上的Mariah, 想當媽的神情真是一覽無遺!! 週刊的訪談內容如下:

So, are you ready for kids?
Mariah: Definitely, we want a family.
Nick: Yes, of course. It's at the forefront of our minds. We're very close. But we want to enjoy our first year together. We didn't have a stable environment. The first year we were in L.A. in a hotel and then we were like, "Let's get a house."
Mariah: But don't think I'm moving to L.A.
Nick: We live in both places. We need to figure out where we are going to raise our kids. Here or L.A.
Mariah: New York.
Nick: L.A.

How many kids?
Nick: We'd like two.
Mariah: Of course, we'd be happy with one. I want to be able to manage the right amount of attention. We are so busy—if you have six kids running around, no one gets what they need. Kids need a lot of attention.

Who wants a baby more?
Nick: It's an equal thing. We both understand that it's a major priority for us, but we want to make sure we're ready when the time comes.

Do you have names picked out?
Mariah: We picked out names before we were married!
Nick: We can't tell, though. They're special names we want to hold on to.

Why is Mariah going to be a great mother?
Nick: Her nurturing spirit. One thing people are always surprised about with her is how giving she is to everyone around her. Everyone expects a diva, but she is the exact opposite of that.

Would you consider adoption?
Nick: It's never out of the question. I was raised by my grandmother, who was also a foster mom, so I grew up around a lot of kids.

Mariah, could you let Nick be the sole breadwinner and just be a mom?
Mariah: I could definitely just be a mommy, but I would do other stuff like working on my fragrance, Forever. I love working but I would be able to be with my kids. I could do it.

So you can see yourself having one by the end of 2010?
Mariah: Yeah. What do you think?
Nick: I think that's what the world is waiting for.
Mariah: Oh, my goodness, that's so much pressure on our kids!

新專輯首週即將成為老二,不知道讓多少人拍手叫好? (是誰阿?)出片後Mariah仍然大談婚後生活和Nick的體貼,就像颱風路徑一樣嚇人!! 噗~

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