瑪麗亞凱莉為自己在Michael Jackson追思會上,演出"I'll Be There"時的失常(爆裂音)致歉....

'It was a true and honest emotional moment,' she tells 'Today' of her voice cracking during 'I'll Be There.'

Mariah Carey had the difficult task of being the first performer at the Michael Jackson memorial on Tuesday. And when her voice cracked in the first few moments of her cover of the Jackson 5's "I'll Be There," she said she felt like she disappointed everyone.

On the "Today" show Wednesday (July 8), Carey described how hard it was for her to sing on the show and how seeing the casket made it difficult for her to get through the performance. "I feel a little bit like I let everybody down, but I really did try and it was difficult," she said. "But you know what I think? It was a true and honest emotional moment."

On Tuesday, Mariah also took to her Twitter to share with her fans her disappointment over her performance and how completely emotional she became at the show. "Trying to sing today was basically impossible for me," she wrote. "I could barely keep myself from crying."

She apologized for the performance, during which she was joined by her "MTV Unplugged" duet partner Trey Lorenz. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to pull it together and really do it right, but I was literally choked up when I saw him there in front of me," she tweeted.

"One thing I know is, we will never really have to say goodbye to MJ. His legacy lives on through his music and the millions of people he inspired with his timeless music. He will be forever in our hearts."

(Source: MariahDaily.com)

在Michael Jackson的追思會上擔任第一位表演者,對MARIAH來說真的是一項艱難的挑戰. 她儘量ㄍ一ㄥ住不讓自己哭泣,但非常困難! MARIAH對於在表演中一剛開始的失常表現表達歉意,而且當她一看到Michael就在自己的面前就哽咽了....


瑪麗亞為自己失常的演出表達歉意....影片檔 a-farn

: 唉~~親愛的咪咪,妳以為道歉後那些存心想毀咪的人會善罷甘休嘛?不,他們不會...開始努力跑宣傳吧!

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Mariah, joined by Trey Lorenz, sang her famous 1992 MTV Unplugged cover of the Jackson 5's "I'll Be There." Mariah who was noticeably emotional, ended the song with these words: "We never will say goodbye, even through the pain and heartache, we will be right there. We miss you."

EW, L.A. Times Talk About Mariah's Performance

Simon: And here's Mariah Carey singing "I'll Be There."
Emil: She's breaking down while she sings...
Emil: Trey Larenz joining Mariah. He sings back-up on all of her albums and concerts
Missy Schwartz Imagining little MJ singing this as a kid is almost too much for me. I imagine it's hard for Mariah, too.
Simon: This song is a real tearjerker even in the best of times. Hearing it now...wow.
Emil: I think Mariah is choked up...I couldn't do this....Incredible!!!! Emotional
Simon: Yes -- kudos to Mariah and Trey for getting through this song without breaking down in sobs. True professionals.
Emil: I'm crying at work!!!
Simon: I think people in offices around the world are getting choked up right now.

And Los Angeles Times' writers Ann Powers and Todd Martens share their thoughts on Mariah's performance.

What: Mariah Carey's 'I'll Be There.' A No. 1 hit for Carey, who covered the Jackson 5 hit on her 1992 "MTV Unplugged" album. The ballad was an early sign of Jackson's strength as a vocalist, a childlike innocence conveyed with near expert phrasing. The Times' Ann Powers is inside Staples Center, and she offers that "Carey's version of the Jackson 5 song symbolizes innocence for her too -- it was one of her early hits, and a curly haired, cherubic Carey has been featured singing it in many televised Jackson tributes this last week. For Jackson's fans, the song recalls a period when the star made history as one of the first black teen idols to find acceptance across color lines."

At the memorial: In the very first verse Carey -- in a black, glittery dress -- made it clear that this would be a more restrained, elegant rendition of the song. Singing through the emotions, Carey was at a near-gasp in the song's opening moments. Her partner on the 1992 cover, Trey Lorenz, made an appearance here as well, heightening the performance's gospel undertones. Lorenz, in fact, showed off more vocal dynamics than Carey. But a more subtle Carey is a more graceful one.

Inside the venue, Powers noted that Carey's take began in a tiny voice, as if to honor the boy Michael. When Carey found that Lorenz almost bowled her over, that's when she turned her voice up a notch to match her singing partner. Lorenz sang Michael's name in falsetto, and Carey added "Never Can Say Goodbye..."

Very tasteful.

(Source: MSNBC | MariahDaily)

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她是史上擁有最多全美冠軍曲的女藝人(18首),也是目前最有機會超越貓王冠軍記錄(20首#1)的獨唱藝人,如果你(妳)也喜愛Mariah Carey的話,請支持她的最新單曲"Obsessed(著迷)"!共同參與瑪麗亞寫下新記錄的時刻!按我下載單曲"Obsessed"

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為何瑪麗亞凱莉要穿得像個男人?原來這一切都是針對說唱歌手阿姆,因為阿姆早前亂傳他和凱莉有過一段情,最近又在其新歌《Bagpipes From Baghdad》攻擊凱莉和她的丈夫尼克‧卡農。所以瑪麗亞凱莉又唱歌又拍相關內容的MV來反擊,歌詞火藥味十足:『你為什麼對我著迷?還撒謊我跟你有關係/你簡直昏了頭。』

為首波單曲"Obsesssed"拍攝MV的導演Brett Ratner過去曾幫MARIAH拍過的作品如:I Still Believe" (1998), "Heartbreaker" (1999), "Thank God I Found You" (2000), "It's Like That" (2005), "We Belong Together" (2005)以及"Touch My Body" (2008), 相信"Obsessed"的音樂錄影帶是非常值得被期待的!

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來自官網 Mariahcarey.com 的消息!MARIAH 首波主打"Obsessed"將在7/7開放下載....

Let the countdown begin!!!

The wait is almost over...just 7 days until you can download your copy of Mariah's hot new track OBSESSED! The first single from Mariah's upcoming CD "Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel" will be released as a digital single on 07/07/09. So mark your calendars and be sure to download what some music critics are declaring 2009's #1 Summer Anthem; OBSESSED by Mariah Carey available to download on 07/07/09!

希望 MARIAH 的 FANS 在自己的 blog 或網站傳遞這項訊息~


 300 x 250

 728 x 90

目前"Obsessed"的點播成績仍在緩慢的成長,7/13將首播這首歌的音樂錄影帶。期待7/7開放下載之後,能再為 MARIAH 爭取在排行榜的好成績!

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